So, today was Day 1 with the trainer. I wasn't sure how it would go because I didn't really sleep last night, & was dragging already at 7:30. But, I got dressed in the workout clothes, anyway, & headed to the gym. Today's trainer was Pat -- apparently at this gym, they divide up the members coming in among which ever trainers happen to be there at that time. We started off easy, some arm work machines set at 40lbs. "Easy, peasy," I thought after finishing my 3 sets of 15. By set 2 of machine 2, the jacket I had worn in was off (the gym is kept pretty cool, plus it was windy outside). At machine 3, my arms were protesting, & I only completed 1 1/2 sets. Then he sent me for 5 minutes on the elliptical. Um...yeah...going to have to work up to 5 minutes. I did 1, then switched to the treadmill. Back to more weights. All arms today. This was getting brutal. Then we moved on to triceps. That machine I could do my 3 sets of 15. 5 more minutes of cardio, bike this time. Then came one of the few things I was hoping would be a long time coming -- plie squats while holding a 15lbs dumbell. I made it through 20 of the 45.. Although, I did get told I had perfect form. I wonder if that could be because my tush is so big it can't help by stick out? Finally, bicep curls (thank you, BodyPump for teaching me squat position & biceps curls with a bar) -- again, only 2 sets. I finished out the day with 10 more minutes of cardio, & gladly was done.
To leave this particular gym, you have to go down about 4-5 steps. At my first step down, my legs felt like jelly. But, surprisingly, I felt good. I had done at least half of eveything asked of me. And I kept going the entire 70 minutes of today's session. Now that I know I can make it through the time ,
side note: the last trainer I tried to work with (at another gym) didn't have any cardio involved & I only made it through 40 minutes with her. hmmmmmm...interesting...)
I can start to work on making it through all the reps. Baby steps. that's how I'm going to keep focused on this. Well, that and the $400.00 I get back if I lose the 25lbs in 3 months!
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