Tuesday, April 5, 2011

25 in 3

  Today, I started a program at a local gym.  The goal is to drop 25 pounds in 3 months.  Today was "nutrition day."  Simply put, that means that I was given a whole new way to look at the food I'm eating.  Right now, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed at all the info to process. 
  Will it be hard?  Most certainly.  Am I going to like it?  At times, probably not.  Will I succeed?  We'll find out July 5.  So how am I feeling about this next step in life?  Let's see...tired, nervous, excited, overwhelmed, anxious, fearful, determined, apprehensive.... I could keep going, but I think you get the idea.  Already today I've thought carefully through each food choice as I was making my lunch.  The biggest challenge I see is making the change family-wide.  Chris, I think, will go along without too much of an issue.  Brogan, though, has turned into a picky eater.  Time will tell.

Now, to get through the time with the trainer tomorrow...

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